Josh Renaud

Developer and data journalist in Ferguson, Missouri, USA

About me

I'm a husband and daddy of four kids living in Ferguson, Missouri. Our family regularly travels to Bolivia, South America.

I'm a news designer and developer for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Check out my résumé.

I'm a retrocomputing enthusiast who runs a modern-day bulletin board system (BBS).

Get in touch

News apps


See examples of my writing in the Post-Dispatch and earlier in my career.

Press freedom

Dec. 7, 2022: Please watch my "Truth isn't dead" speech, given to the National Press Club when I received the John Aubuchon Award for press freedom.

Feb. 11, 2022: Please read my personal statement about the conclusion of Missouri's investigation of me after I found a significant security flaw in a state website.


See examples of my presentations and talks at high school, college and professional conferences of all sorts, plus podcast appearances and teaching engagements.

Print portfolio

My other websites