Miscellaneous photos

Here are some assorted pictures of Jadzia and the family…

Jadzia meets the Bolivian Easter bunny. This year the bunny had an aguayo vest and a pan flute!

A picture of Jadzia when she was bald.

Photos from Jadzia’s English baby dedication at Grace.

Jadzia in one of her summer dresses and hats. Unfortunately, I think this hat was recently lost at a Shop n’ Save.

Jadzia gnaws on her crib. Note her lengthening hair.

Papa blows some bubbles for Jadzia in the yard.

Yol is taking a cake-decorating class, and this was one of her first projects.

5 Replies to “Miscellaneous photos”

  1. Hola, me alegra de ver que Jadzia esta muy linda y muy grande, las fotos estan muy lindas y no olviden que aqu� en Bolivia su familia siempre ora por ustedes para que nuestro Dios los Guarde…

  2. I love the pictures of Jadzia! She’s growing up so fast! The cake looks awesome too, I want some cake now… 🙂

  3. S�, que Jadzia va a ser muy cotizada por alla. Esta muy linda y de seguro que lo ser� mucho m�s cuando su cabello est� m�s largo. Yoli, �c�mo es que hacen decoraciones tan lindas por alla? 😉

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