And her name is …

Yeah, so we took our time and left folks on the edge of their seats for a bit. But it’s now (almost) official: our newest daughter is Ludivine Mercedes Renaud.

We’ll call her Ludi for short. Her first name is from Yoli’s grandmother, who died at a rather young age. Mercedes is a Spanish name (deriving from mercy).

Jadzia warmed up rather nicely to her new sister. We made sure we spent time alone with her before bringing in the baby. I also prepped Jadzia before I took her to the hospital by showing the video of Yoli with Ludi.

You can see a bit of their interaction yourself in the very short movie below. It also shows Jadzia playing with her new friend Tori who came to visit.

To watch this movie, you need Apple’s QuickTime software installed on your computer.

7 Replies to “And her name is …”

  1. Congratulations! Two girls, how great! A beautiful family. Lots of joy ahead for you all.

  2. I love the video! Thanks for putting it up. I hope Yoli is recovering well (which it seems like she will from the previous post). The name is beautiful and congrats again on a healthy little Ludi!

  3. Congratulations to your growing beautiful family. Blake and I were admiring your beautiful girls. God Bless you enjoy each small moment. Love The Klenke’s

  4. Congratulations! I hope that all is going well for you and your family and that all are healthy! The video is awesome!

  5. Dear Josh & Yoli,
    Congratulations for your new baby girl! She’s beautiful and seems she already is getting along great with her older sister ;o).
    We are doing very well also. I’m about 6 months pregnant now. Baby is very active and kicking a lot. With God’s help, if all goes well, we’ll have a little one sometimes around end of October – begining of November.
    Once again congratulations!
    Bebe, Dana & Rytis

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