Summer Saturdays

On Saturdays when Yoli’s not working, we like to walk around town. We start off by going to the Ferguson Farmer’s Market and picking up some veggies. A lot of times there are food/cooking demos going on, which means free samples. And there’s always good music. In this photo, Yoli’s telling me not to take the picture because I’m taking it from the wrong angle (the sun is behind them).

At some point during the trip we’ll usually go past the bank and use the ATM.

Most Saturdays we’ll see a train go by the Whistle Stop while we’re near the market. This one whistled really loud when it came roaring by.

Sometimes we go to Spencer’s Bakery for breakfast. It’s always very good. This plate is $3.99. The sausage is nice and crisp, and so are the potatoes.

Ludi likes the biscuits.

Jadzia likes the eggs. She eats the biscuits, but what she really likes is opening the packages of butter and jam, and putting them on the biscuits.

On this day we stopped by Rinderer’s pharmacy to drop off a prescription. Then we cruised the aisles looking at their clearance stuff. Today we found a couple of packets of brown gravy for 49¢.