The girls meet Josie

After a while I took Jadzia and Ludi to meet their new sister, Josie. We told them that Josie had arrived with gifts for them: an apron for Jadzia, and sunglasses for Ludi.

Both girls were very interested in holding Josie and touching her. Ludi especially. Ludi was giving her kisses. But she was also treating Josie more like a doll, repeatedly pushing in her nose and saying “nariz” like she would with the doll she got for Christmas.








3 Replies to “The girls meet Josie”

  1. Thanks so much for letting me in on the news of Josies birth. So glad that Yoli, the baby and the rest of the family are doing well. May God bless you in this new year.

  2. Congrats, congrats to all of you! We loved the pics! She is so special and way cute! Glad to see Yoli fared rather well. We love ya’ll!

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