From the vaults of the Renaud Empire, I bring you a recently-unearthed journalistic gem.
What is it? It’s Josh Renaud interviewing his father, Joe Renaud, sometime in the early 1990s for a school project. You’ve GOT to give it a listen. Josh is a pretty smooth interviewer, I have to say. And Joe was a pretty good interview. His anecdotes are top-notch!
I think it lasts roughly 20 minutes, which may be a little long for some of you. But the first 5-10 minutes are definitely worth it.
Dude—I can’t believe that was your voice. Awesome.
A couple of observations: if you hadn’t identified yourself at the end, I would have sworn that was Justin interviewing. You liked calling your Dad “Joe” a little too much. You really did already display a remarkable gift of journalism as a child. Great stuff, Josh!
Wow Josh, you take the term “open source” to new heights. I guess the whole world now knows how truly demented that I am.
As well they should!