Visiting London (…the baby)

On Tuesday, The Renaud Empire visited our fellow Renaud realm in Rolla, to see our new niece/cousin London Olivia. What a cute girl! Justin was out when we first arrived and Becca was dealing with London, so Hayden and Keaton showed us their bedroom and their playroom in the basement.

Justin’s house is pretty nice. They bought it, gutted it, and built the inside anew. They have a great basement, and we spent some time playing Wii games. We also played outside, and I got to enjoy his portable disc golf basket. Justin also took me to their church (where he works) and took me on a tour of the new sanctuary and other stuff they are nearly finished building.

All in all, it was a fun day. Here are some photos to enjoy:

One Reply to “Visiting London (…the baby)”

  1. It took me a while to figure out, but the photo of the the 3 girls sitting on the bottom of the bunk bed looked a little strange. There is a pair of legs jutting out to the right side from under the blanket that is covering Jadzia. I kept thinking, “her legs don’t look like that.” Then I saw her body is actually leaning to the left, and Hayden’s head is hidden under the blanket they are sharing – those are his legs!

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