Still uncertain after the storm


I pulled up to our house this morning and found my insurance adjuster around the back. He was climbing what remained of our tree, snapping photos of the broken kitchen. Our tree guys had cleared away much of the oak yesterday and liberated our home of its trunk.

We pored over every detail. “How many windows did your sunroom have? Your house had hardwood floors throughout, right? How old is your roof?” He used debris and other evidence to figure out the dimensions of the sunroom, the number of windows, etc. I was surprised to learn our house had a shell of 4 inch cinder blocks, with plaster applied directly to the blocks. The brick was a veneer around the outside of that.

My contractor arrived and we went through the house. The adjuster took careful note of cracks in the walls. He found new cracks in the living/dining room, and certainly the massive cracks on the south wall of the girls’ room were substantially worse.

We opened the basement window and clambered down. (The adjuster complimented me on being limber. First time for everything) Same story down below: some suspicious new cracks. At a minimum the entire south wall and cinderblock foundation must be replaced.

But there’s the catch: At a minimum. There is a possibility they may decide to total the house, and we would build the entire thing anew.

The adjuster will give his assessment to State Farm and we will have to wait to find out what they decide. It could be a number of days before we know. If they total it, then we’ll need to move out all the furniture, etc. But if not, we can leave most of it in the front of the house.

One part of me is excited by the prospect of a new house. But it’s too early and honestly I don’t know what to think. I know there is a long road ahead. We will be displaced at least three months, but probably more like six. Will it affect our vacation plans? Will it be a giant headache?

There’s so much uncertainty. We are thinking and praying. And waiting.

4 Replies to “Still uncertain after the storm”

  1. I can tell you already that it will be a giant headache just by being displaced from your home for maybe more than three months. However, this may be an opportunity for you guys to have a home that you and Yoli have dream of and maybe a small room for Joseph when he needs to retreat from all the princesses! Please continue to let your Facebook friends know what you need. We’re thinking of you and your family always.

  2. to the truly EXTRAORDINARY RENAUD FAMILY, we send our love and prayers, and hopes that withever is best for the family,, is,, what will be.!!and for the healing touch that will move your family forward. You are a part of the Ferguson Farmers Market family, and if there is ANYTHING that we can do, please let me know.
    Is there some group working on finding you housing for the next 3-6 months???
    We can put out fliers for any kind of help you may need, volunteers, a home for the months ahead??? whatever you need first, we can get the word out this Saturday, we know that your smiling faces will be recognized and that all of the community will want to help you, and especially the kids!! We can get this on the facebook page and the web site , as well, just let me know what to do first, please,,, Kathy Noelker

  3. Looks like you’ve got the grace of God, the benefit of good fortune and the backing of marvelous people to get your family through this uncertain time. With all that, I’m sure you’ll weather this destructive storm better than other families not similarly blessed. (It should go without saying, but I’ll do it anyway, that Lisa and I are ready to help however possible.)

  4. Our dear Josh,
    Please don’t be anxious about the future- especially your vacation plans! Just stay the path, and it will all work out according to God’s plan. We remain steadfast in our prayers for all of you and just know your home will be in better shape than when you bought it!
    All our love to you!

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