Here are a few fun Josie anecdotes I have collected so far this year:
New words
Josie writes “JTL” on her DoodlePad. Then she adds an “E” at the end.
“The ‘E’ is silent,” she explains.
Birds of a feather
Joseph: “There’s a firebird! Let’s shoot it! BOOM!”
Josie: “Look, there’s a smoke pigeon!”
The secret
Josie: “I’m gonna whisper something in your ear.”
A moment later she whispers: “‘B’ is for ‘beach.’ Don’t tell anyone!”
Practicing phonics
Josie: “M. Y. … My!”
“… Like, ‘My Prreeeecioooouussssssss!!'” (in her Gollum voice)
Must be the metal
Me: “I. Am. A. Robot.”
Josie: “Can you change your voice? I don’t like robots. I’m allergic to them.”
I’m relatively certain that “Don’t tell anyone” means don’t post it on the blog!
But I digress.