Winter 2012-13 has redeemed itself

A view of the backyard from our porch.
A view of the backyard from our porch.

Technically it is spring. But if you can overlook that, the Winter of 2012-13 turned out to have several good snowfalls. Yesterday we got about a foot of snow. Last year around this time spring was in full bloom.

And what great timing for the snow — Jadzia and Ludi are on spring break, so the kids have plenty of chances to play in the snow.

This morning I took Ludi, Josie and Joseph to Killer Hill. The snow was very thick and it was tough to climb the hill at first. There weren’t as many people out as there was last time, so the “easy” side of the hill wasn’t compacted at all.

After her first or second ride down the hill, Ludi got snow in her boot and started whining a bit. She did continue to sled, but insisted on riding in my lap for the rest of the time. Joseph was also riding with me. Josie continued to impress — she rode by herself most of the time, and walked back up the hill with no trouble. Eventually we built up a nice, slick track for our discs.

Joseph wanted to go play on the playground, but found the snow to deep to walk through.
Joseph wanted to go play on the playground, but found the snow to deep to walk through.
Ludi wants to leave. But she toughed it out and sledded some more.
Ludi wants to leave. But she toughed it out and sledded some more.
Kids having fun on Killer Hill.
Kids having fun on Killer Hill.
More kids having fun at Killer Hill.
More kids having fun at Killer Hill.

And it seems this is the season I am destined to finish off my snow boots. When we went sledding several weeks ago, I broke off the bottom of my right snow boot. Yesterday I super-glued it back together. Then today I broke the bottom of me _left_ boot. But I persevered, sledding until finally my toes were ripping through.

We came home, and Ludi and Joseph wanted to go in. Josie stayed outside with me and together we built a very nice snow fort. In fact, this is probably the best snow fort I’ve built in my life. The snow was perfect for compacting. I used a bucket to form the bricks, and we got it fairly tall.

The massive snow pushed our ornamental grass over the retaining wall, forming a natural igloo. Josie went inside, but decided it was too dark.
The massive snow pushed our ornamental grass over the retaining wall, forming a natural igloo. Josie went inside, but decided it was too dark.
Early stages of the snow fort.
Early stages of the snow fort.
A couple layers later.
A couple layers later.
Trying to do something fancy here, but the camera kept giving me "out of battery" messages and I couldn't charge them up enough to get the great shot I wanted.
Trying to do something fancy here, but the camera kept giving me “out of battery” messages and I couldn’t charge them up enough to get the great shot I wanted.

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