For the last several years our kids have taken swim lessons at January-Wabash Park.
This year, Ludi joined the swim team, while Jadzia, Josie, and Joseph stuck with the lessons.
As the littlest ones, Josie and Joseph are always a bit rusty and hesitant at the beginning of the lessons. The cool weather didn’t really help, either.
But we stuck with it. Kids overcame their fears of jumping from the edge of the pool, or even from the diving board. By the end of the summer, Joseph could truly swim to me in the pool, though when not swimming he would still cling to the edge of the pool in order to feel safe.
Josie ended up being a real fish, just like she was last year. When everything was said and done, I wish I had kept her on the Ferguson swim team with its daily lap practices and emphasis on learning strokes. If we had stuck with it and made her overcome her initial fear, I think she really would have thrived.
Next year!