Ludi tells the story:
One of my favorite creations I’ve made so far this year was Violet Lemonade. I first saw it when one of my friends posted about it on social media. It looked really cool and we had all the materials to make it.
To start, I picked enough violets to fill a mason jar. Later I made a violet syrup. Once I mixed the syrup into a pitcher of lemon water, the color changed and it was a pretty purple.
It tasted very good, just like normal lemonade with a hint of… I don’t quite know how to describe it. I almost want to say it had a hint of watery ground pepper.
It was very good, very pretty, and very time-consuming but overall it was very fun to make.
In my opinion, it was less of “watered down ground pepper” and more of CUCUMBERS. That is literally what the violets tasted like.