Three Renauds in “The Little Mermaid”

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With Ludi, Josie, and Joseph all in high school together for this one year, the fall musical presented a unique opportunity for all of them to be in the same show.

The production at STEAM High this year was “The Little Mermaid.” Ludi snagged the lead role, Ariel. Josie got to play the silly seagull, Scuttle. And Joseph was a member of the ensemble, so he played a sailor, a waiter, and other roles.

It was a fantastic show, and each of the kids really shone brightly. Ludi’s singing sounded like it was right out of the Disney production.

Making it even more special, we had some special guests: Nanny and Grandpa came up from San Antonio; and Ms. Harrigan, their long-ago kindergarten teacher, came out from Warrenton.

As I was preparing this blog post, I came across an old connection: In 2011, Jadzia wrote a short review of “The Little Mermaid” after she saw the show at the Muny. She would have been almost six years old when she wrote it. I’m sure she would have been extraordinarily proud to see all her siblings together in this show.

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