Jadzia: Spelling Bee finalist!

Jadzia spells a word at the Post-Dispatch spelling bee finals.

Editor’s note: After winning the Ferguson-Florissant district-wide spelling bee for the second straight year, Jadzia reached the finals of the 2017 Post-Dispatch Spelling Bee. Here’s what she had to say about it.

Winning my school bee wasn’t too hard because there were only five contestants! My real challenge started with the district bee. Although not required to move on to the Post-Dispatch bee, it puts in a good bit of practice for me. After a bit of challenge from another student, I won the district bee for my second time in a row.

After that came the regional semifinals, a written bee. I successfully managed to spell 19/20 (or 24/25) out of the words and move on to the finals.

I was very nervous about getting so far, but the fact that I was there and that I had a chance to move on was quite astounding! I did my best. I had studied lists of words that were used for the first several rounds, but beginning with the fifth round, the words were taken from a giant dictionary and the bee got increasingly difficult. I managed to survive to the 6th round, before losing on the word “dromond.”

It was a great experience and I hope to be back in 2018!

Jadzia’s words (in order):

  • incorruptible
  • staccato
  • virgule
  • anschluss
  • minatory
  • dromond

Chess Club: Grandmasters

What a big week we had. On Friday, Jadzia and fellow members of Vogt Elementary’s chess club were visited by grandmasters … and a ton of media. Here is her account of the day:

Jadzia plays chess against grandmaster Jennifer Shahade
Jadzia plays chess against grandmaster Jennifer Shahade

Once upon a time, Jadzia and some of her classmates went to the library. But, this was no ordinary library day. Two (well, more, but you’ll find out later) grandmasters were going to come. Cameras would cram each and every corner and spot, flashing on and off!

It was Grandmaster Friday.

Continue reading “Chess Club: Grandmasters”

Jadzia: The house is looking better

it is starting to look beter the house finaly is starting to get work done. woodson terce is nice they were haveing a party at the park.

the meuny is nice to i have a short story bit. ariel is the one who fights ursula and her father says he will stay one night to celabrate. my “beauty and ehe beast clip”:http://www.joshrenaud.com/family/archives/2011/07/jadzias-first-televised-play.html is on joshren thingy

i don’t have anything else to talk about but thanks for reading about my audventures.

Jadzia Marie Renaud Josh RENAUD ENPIRER

__(Jadzia is referring above to a short video “play” she made, which “you can see here”:http://www.joshrenaud.com/family/archives/2011/07/jadzias-first-televised-play.html)__

Jadzia on “The Little Mermaid” at the Muny

[The following is a guest post by Jadzia, where she shares her thoughts about seeing “The Little Mermaid” at the Muny last night with her dad and her sister Ludi]

I liked the bowing at the end. I liked when the ship broke in two pieces. And when Ariel was talking to Flounder, that was funny.

The intermission was fun, too because we went out to the boys’ bathroom.

I liked the food that we brought: peaches and quesadillas.

Ursula was not scaring me like “Beauty and the Beast.”

King Triton was my favorite part, too, because he had a loud voice. I liked that voice.

I really enjoyed the Prince Eric at the very beginning, when he was unconscious and when Ariel helped him.

The end.