Young entrepreneurs

Jadzia, Ludi, and Yoli woke up early Saturday morning and headed to the Ferguson Farmers Market to sell some handicrafts for “kids entrepreneur day.”

Jadzia and Ludi got a pretty nice spot at the front of the market. Their booth was between the “Ferguson Youth Initiative” booth and the “Fun Time Donuts” booth.

The girls worked all week to prepare their crafts. Yoli found many ideas online, and they made good use of some supplies Aunt Joyce gave us that had once belonged to my Uncle Chuck.

I will let Jadzia tell you more about their day of selling:

Me and Ludi sold cards, necklaces, earrings and bracelets. It was a lot of work but I learned math and how you want to be acting to earn money.

We saw a few people we knew like Ms. Rita and her daughter Gina, and Ms. Judi and Mr. Norm.

It was still lots of fun especially when we bought donuts. After that, we had two or three costumers and we left.

But the count of dollars was $36!!!!!!!!!!!!

The market was a little quiet, maybe because of the cool morning, but still it was a nice haul for the girls. They spent $3 on donuts, so they came home with $33.

Being next to the donut booth naturally gave the girls some ideas about what to do with their hard-earned dough (so to speak).

A satisfied customer models the girls’ earrings.

Handy crafters

Jadzia and Ludi have been spending time this week putting together beads, bracelets, necklaces, ghosts and greeting cards.

Why? Because tomorrow kid entrepreneurs get a chance to hawk wares at a booth at the Ferguson Farmers Market.

Take a look at some examples of what the girls have done. And if you’re free any time Saturday between 8 a.m. and noon, stop by the market and see what the kids have to sell!