Our girls are growing so fast. Jadzia starts kindergarten and Ludi begins preschool this year. So while we were in San Antonio, it seemed about time to introduce them to SeaWorld.
Continue reading “An adventure at SeaWorld, and visiting family”
We sprang for Springerles
We took two unplanned trips to Hermann, Mo. this week in search of Springerle cookie molds. Hermann is a wonderful old city on the banks of the Missouri River founded by German immigrants.
WEDNESDAY: Meramec Caverns / St. James
Wednesday morning we made our second excursion far outside of St. Louis, this time along I-44. Our first stop was Meramec Caverns, which I haven’t been to since I was in 5th grade.
Keaton birthday Wii-kend
On Monday and Tuesday, we spent a 1.125-day vacation in St. James, Mo. where we visited my brother Justin and his family. His youngest son Keaton was celebrating birthday Numero Uno.