Technically it is spring. But if you can overlook that, the Winter of 2012-13 turned out to have several good snowfalls. Yesterday we got about a foot of snow. Last year around this time spring was in full bloom.
Finally, some decent snow in 2013
Yesterday we had a decent snowfall of maybe 5-6 inches in North County. It was regular snow with some sleet and rain on top. Combine that with temperatures slightly above freezing and you have a recipe for sticky snow and slick hills. Perfect for sledding and snow forts.
Snowman: do the best you can with what you have
It’s been a warm winter this year and I’m getting tired of the pitiful snowfalls we’ve had.
By the time we got outside this morning, the snow was almost all gone and what was left was slush. Here’s the little snowman I made.
VIDEO: Snow in March
The early part of this week was sunny with highs in the 70s. But Friday morning, it snowed! Tomorrow there is expected to be 1-3 inches of snow. We’ll see if that comes to pass. In the meantime, here’s a quick video clip about the snow:
To watch this movie, you need Apple’s “QuickTime”: software installed on your computer.
Snow days in St. Louis
We’ve racked up some pretty big snows this year.
We had a fair snow of a few inches on almost two weeks ago. My brother Jon and I took Jadzia and Ludi to go sledding up on Killer Kill in Florissant next to the Ferguson-Florissant School District administration building. Good times were had.
Then, a little over a week later, we got the biggest snowfall we’ve seen since around 2008. I didn’t put a ruler to it, but we probably got 9-10 inches. Unlike after the earlier snow, our temperatures have remained below freezing so the snow has not yet melted and today and tomorrow we will probably get a little bit more on top.
After the big one, I took the girls outside to play in the yard. After other attempts in previous years, I wasn’t expecting to stay outside long. Usually one of the girls will get snow under a glove or in the face and start screaming and then everyone wants to go in.
Not this year.
Jadzia, Ludi, and Josie stayed outside to throw snowballs, build snow forts, and make snow angels. Jadzia got tired of it after a while, but Josie and Ludi kept with it longer. All told we were out of the house for 45 minutes or an hour. Not bad!
Here are some photos from both snowfalls:
VIDEO: Unhappy in the snow
Jadzia has been waiting all winter for us to get enough snow that she could make a snowman. Finally the moment arrived. She and Ludi came out with me and we began working on a snowman. But the fun didn’t last very long.
Snow = sled time
We’ve had several snows this winter, but today was the first time we were able to take Jadzia out for some sledding action. We put some hot tea in a thermos, dressed Jadzia in triple layers, and headed out.
We took her to the place my dad always took us when we were kids: Killer Hill in Florissant.
Since we didn’t own a sled, we took our trash can lid. Unfortunately, it didn’t work — at all.
So we decided to drive around and buy one. Of course the roads were still treacherous, but we eventually made it to a K-mart and found a nice blue sled. We drove back to Killer Hill and I tested it several times while Yoli fed a hungry Jadzia in the car. It worked very well and much fun ensued.
If you click the image below, you can watch video of us sledding: