The power of pretend


A couple years ago, one of our neighbors gave us her old “Fischer-Price Molly cow”:, much like the one in the photo above.

We tied some yarn to its neck so Jadzia could pull it around. After a while she began to call the cow her “Lassie” (the dog from the TV show). She would lose and regain interest in it over time.

Recently we watched the Wizard of Oz twice with Jadzia and Ludi. Ludi seems to have been especially captivated by it. She asks me daily (or more than once a day) to recount the story for her. I tell various versions, depending on how much time I feel like spending sitting down and talking.

And lately Ludi has begun taking the cow and calling it “Toto.” She, of course, is Dorothy. (Sometimes Josie is the Wicked Witch of the West.)

So Molly the *Cow* has become a stand-in for famous TV and movie *dogs*.

Christmas chuckle

This Christmas was a lot of fun. Perhaps the best part was having my Nan in town all week, and my brother’s family for several days. We went over to my mom’s house daily to hang out.

Of all the gifts the girls received this week, this one gave us the biggest laugh. It’s a ladybug toy for Josie:


As Yoli removed it from its packaging today, she found the following warning:

bq. Caution: Please be safe. Always select the correct size toy for the type of breed and chewing habits of your dog. Should any portion of this toy break or tear, please remove from your dog and discard immediately. Vo-Toys, Inc. is not responsible for any pet owner’s neglect or misuse of this toy.